Full automation
of population screening

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In the designing and implementation phase of the platform eScreen, we have preferred some aspects, such as usability and ease of management, safety and system reliability, but also the workflow of processes made by the various people participating to a screening project.

Processes like:

  • invitations
  • acceptance
  • outpatient clinics management
  • first-level examination reporting
  • bookings for second-level examinations
  • reminders and re-invitations
  • alert systems (quality indicators and clinical activity)

are the subject of active monitoring by an expert system verifying possible clinical abnormalities, but also waiting times urging the person in charge of the process (alert communication released through the internal messaging system) in case quality parameters previously set are not satisfied. eScreen is the necessary tool for screening projects desired to raise the qualitative level of supplied services from the point of view of overall decreased costs, considering the whole diagnostic-therapeutical path in a global way.


eScreen provides a standard SSL 128 bit protected connection. It also conforms to the law 196/2003 attachment B. Each user has their own access keys. All operations made by the user are univocally associated and tracked within tables created on purpose. There is, consequently, a direct link between the data stored in the database and the user writing them. Data stored in the database is never physically cancelled. eScreen allows to reconstruct any information previously edited or cancelled. Redundant devices, both as software (data mirroring, SMS alerting systems, database architecture, etc.) and hardware (full backup on cartridge/cd-rom, hot swap hard disk with raid system, etc.) are provided.

eScreen was designed to be easy and intuitive. eScreen ensures the management of all activities provided in a logical chronological order as to the development of a screening trial.eScreen provides a graphical user interface. Through images, buttons, menus and icons, we have created a user-friendly interface.

eScreen has a modular architecture which can grow during time. Starting from a single Local Health Office, it is possible to associate further Local Health Offices of the same region (wide areas phenomenon), integrating them during subsequent phases. Providing economic benefits, the modular approach allows a great capability to integrate the proposed solution with the existing technology. Interfacing with the Only Booking Center of each Local Health Office or of the whole Region or with the Center of Laboratories/Outpatient Clinics reporting systems associated with the screening trial are ensured by various tools capable of making data compatible and standard. Each module is able to make a specific task. Modules are made up of various units, specialised in supplying specific services. According to access profiles and to projects needs, for each user it is possible to activate or deactivate specific modules (admin profile).

The whole of the modules can be divided into three main functional areas:

Modules for the management of the administration process

  • Personal data management
  • Invitations management
  • Activities

Modules for the management of the clinical process

  • Screening
  • Second-level examinations
  • Surgery

Modules for the management of the communication systems

  • Public Area
  • Interactive

Clinical Research Technology S.r.l.
Sede operativa e legale Via San Leonardo – Traversa Migliaro, 84131 – Salerno
Telefono: +39 089301545 – Fax: +39 0897724155 –

Sede operativa Piazza Nicola Amore, 10 – 80138 Napoli
Telefono: +39 08119572570 – Fax: +39 0897724155 –

Capitale sociale Euro 10.200,00 i.v.
P. IVA e C.F. 07501100635 – R.E.A. Salerno N.318452

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